While the Latin phrase "Omne Trium Perfectum" roughly translates to "Everything that comes in threes is perfect", we refer not to the amount of similar units but the all-famous 3-point triangle...
For the perfect lay-out and optimized convenience, the Triangle is of utmost importance.
There are 3 focal points:
The Food Storage Area (a.k.a Fridge)
The Food Cleaning Area (a.k.a Sink)
The Food Preparation Area (a.k.a Oven/Hob)
With 3 general "Rule of Thumbs" (Please note that these are not laws, nor rules):
The maximum total length of the 3 sides combined is roughly 8m
If a side is to cut through an island, it should cut through no more than 30cm
Ideally, each leg should measure between 1m - 3m
Below are some of our projects that perfectly displays our Triangle Theory put to use...
